Use hook up in a sentence - Help me to hook up my dress at the back

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A couple of fish have touched the hook, but nothing has bitten yet

Hookup Sentence Examples

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Start studying 14 Types of Hook sentences with examples
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Hook-up example sentences
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English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "hook" A couple of fish have touched the hook, but nothing has bitten yetHe put a worm on the hook and dropped his line into the water
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How to use hook in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word hook? Here are some examples

Start studying 14 Types of Hook sentences with examples
Once you want. But please, don’t start your essay with a hook like “I was thinking about what to write for this essay and came up with this Enabling off to Netherlands — your life. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools
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